Deep Space Waifu -Flat Justice Review

Deep Space Waifu – Flat Justice is a standalone expansion of the original title of the same name. It is a top-down shmup that has us take on the role of a detective bear, out to clean up the corrupt police force. How he accomplishes this is by unclothing as many females as he can get his paws on and following up on the leads they give him afterward. The entire thing is so tongue in cheek and hamfisted, that one can’t help but chuckle at the absurdity.

Deep Space Waifu Flat Justice Overworld

We start off on a Mario 3 styled overworld and are given a few choices as to which girl we want to take on first. After you’ve chosen your target, we can select one in four distinct abilities to take into battle. These range from your typical bomb to clear the screen of projectiles, to one that briefly increases your speed as well as damage. As we progress, we can also choose between a few different ways to shoot our projectiles, but starting off we can only pick a narrow stream.

Deep Space Waifu Flat Justice Ass

Once we are in the game proper, you will see the girl which takes up the entirety of the background. Your goal is two-fold, shoot off her clothes and score as many points as possible. Shooting off her clothes is straightforward, you simply fire at a specific section until it blasts right off. She will not try to stop you, though there are a ton of enemy robots that certainly will. They will fill the screen with projectiles, try to ram you, and plain be a hindrance to your very important investigation. One shot is all that it takes to kill you, making it an interesting balance of focusing on your foes or on the task at hand.

Deep Space Waifu Flat Justice Bra

You can usually kill an enemy before they manage to fire a single round, though by doing so you will be wasting time you could otherwise be using on undressing the suspect. The screen auto-scrolls and will not wait for you. This becomes particularly fascinating when a boss shows up, which all girls contain. You can face them head-on, however, the girl’s undergarments only become destructible during these battles. It forces you to try to bait the boss for as long as possible, to give you a chance to destroy as much clothing as possible. This is a dangerous tactic as it certainly won’t let you do so in peace, and depending on your difficulty, you will typically have a small amount of lives.

Deep Space Waifu Flat Justice Boss

Flat Justice is accessible, yet not all that easy. The only thing changing the difficulty will do is give you more lives, the enemy formations and projectile patterns stay the same. Each stage/girl does not take more than a few minutes to conquer, making it easy to get right back into it if you do fail. It is important to remember you must rake in a decent score as well. You do so by destroying enemies and collecting their purple icons, which will in turn, eventually give you an extra star to your rating of up to five of them. These stars are important since you will need to earn a certain amount before you can unlock more girls.

Deep Space Waifu Flat Justice Clothes

In total, there are 12 girls to face. It is also worth mentioning that you can uncensor the game by certain means and have complete anime nudity if you wish. Once you manage to score five stars on a girl, you will unlock an autofire mode to ‘let you play with one hand’ and hold your drink, we can only assume. There is little reason to return to previous fully completed girls, other than for the sake of it. You can already access a gallery mode to view any girl then toggle between various states of clothing and admire the artwork, for those ‘one-handed’ players out there.

Deep Space Waifu Flat Justice Girl

Jokes aside, it is a pretty fun game even if you don’t care about the lewdness taking place in the background. Chances are, you won’t even be paying attention to it as you juggle your attention between enemies and the clothes you have to destroy in a given time. It’s not overly difficult, yet the tension it puts on you is just enough as to warrant your full attention. This is further aided by the very chill soundtrack that compliments the cool 80’s  look it has. It is far more stylish than its predecessor and despite the plot being nothing to write home about, it is still entertaining with its sheer brazenness. I’m definitely not ‘mature’ enough as to not chuckle at an incoming boss named Dickus.

Deep Space Waifu Flat Justice Dickus

Its gameplay is simple, you essentially just hold the fire button and try to blast away everything that offends you, such as robots and clothing. A slight twist to it is that you need to gather enough points to fire off your special ability, giving it a bit more depth. All in all, the game lasted me under two hours to complete. Given that it is only priced at $1.99, it’s a fair amount of content and is an even better title than its predecessor. If you are looking for more of the same or just want to experience shooting the clothes off an anime girl while 80’s synthwave plays in the background, Deep Space Waifu – Flat Justice is your game.

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