Thank You, Condom Boy (R18+) Review

Thank You, Condom Boy is a Clicker type game based around helping people having affairs. In particular, housewives cheating on their husbands. As their legendary hero, often spoken of in tales of old, we must go in and put a condom on the dude before he fills her with baby batter. By the time we show up, he is on his final thrust and about to bury his sword deep into her sheathe, so to speak >_>. Our time is limited to save them both from an unwanted pregnancy and a possible divorce. Being the heroes we are, we must click on his penis before he goes in for the goal, to magically put some protection on him.

At least I assume magically, that part is never really explained, nor can we see our character. That doesn’t matter however, he has already moved on to a different cheating housewife and is about to see an increase to that household’s expenses via a baby if we do not move swiftly. Condom Boy’s eternal fight will never end, as soon as he stops one tragedy, another will occur. He always shows up on the last thrust, so inevitably, some woman’s husband will end up questioning why his son looks nothing like him.

It is a new girl around every three seconds. They are randomly chosen, and you will likely see all of them within a minute. The sex position never changes either, so you can simply repeatedly click on where you know the penis will pass without need for timing. As you save more people from a life of regret, you will increase your points. With these points, you can then purchase either Aromatherapy or a Condom upgrade. Aromatherapy will get you some points for every girl that passed on the screen. That allows you to just leave the game running in the background and still increasing your points as you try to reach ten million.

Upgrading the condom will net you more points for every cock you successfully block. This is where the big money comes from. You get a ton more points for putting a condom on a dude than by aromatherapy alone. It is a heck of a trek to reach ten million though. This is your ultimate goal, but you will have to spend a ton of money on upgrades to reach that target within a human lifetime. Every time you upgrade, it will increase in price every time you choose to improve it further. Luckily, they do cap out at 10k and 20k, respectively. Soon enough, you’ll be making well over 10k in a single click. Especially if you leave the game running as you do something else and have invested some points into aromatherapy.

As previously stated, you will see all of the girls within a minute. There isn’t any variety between their body types or positions. At most, they have a different skin color and different hair. What becomes even more repetitive faster than that is the short music loop. You’ll be wanting to turn that music off soon, and the sound effects not much long after. This is the definition of a background type game. It is better when you have it be as non-intrusive as possible and only click from time to time as you find yourself bored. Trying to beat it all in one go will be a miserable experience, even if you can probably finish it in a couple of hours.

It simply doesn’t have enough content to keep you entertained. The first prize comes in at 10k, the second at 100k, and the third at a whopping 10,0000,000 points. That is a massive discrepancy between the second and third’s prize. Worse still is that the prizes aren’t even all that worthwhile. It is just a close up of a blowjob, titjob, and full sex. You can control when to cum, but not much else. They aren’t terrible, yet hardly worth the time investment it takes to unlock the final one. This desperately needed more content to fill the large gaps without any reward and keep you on some kind of fun cycle. As it is, the gameplay and upgrade loop will be the star of the show.

Worth mentioning is that this title is only four dollars. It makes the spread out lack of content, in comparison to time spent playing, more bearable when kept in mind. This isn’t a title that would convert anyone that isn’t already a fan of Clickers, despite all of the NTR loving women getting a meat injection. For what it is though, it’s alright. Just a short and low priced way to entertain yourself for a couple of hours or even days, depending on your commitment to continuously click on the D to avoid another baby. Be the hero this world needs, pick up a rubber and put it on another man when he needs it most. Thank You, Condom Boy.


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