Shower with Your Dad Simulator 2015 review

Shower with Your Dad Simulator 2015 is a game about matching three different colored children to their corresponding fathers in the shower… the end. Truth be told I’m still at a loss as to what in the world I just played. This game features multiple game modes to play including Endurodad, Dad Divisions and Inglorious Bathdads. As you can no doubt figured out by the title of this game alone, it is very weird and likely the type of game gifted to you by friends that secretly hate you. In a strange turn of events leaving the shock factor aside it is actually kind of fun. You will start off with three modes unlocked while the rest will be available after spending time simply playing the game. Endurodad allows you to select which son you play as and tasks you with repeatedly going to his location but touch a man that’s not your dad and its game over.

Shower with Your Dad Simulator pick your dad

Dadathlon is very similar but a much more exciting as you have to reach dad in a very short time and after touching him you will randomly change to a different colored kid which forces you to stay on your toes. The more you play the more useless items you’ll unlock that will randomly spawn around the shower such as a razor to trim all their hair and a rubber duck that gives your dad floaties even though he is standing in a shower. The only controls for this is the arrow keys which you use to move around and are not able to be rebinded. There is nothing of use in the options menu as they are all joke settings like an FOV slider as well as a nudity toggle that in reality can’t be switched off. If you thought showering with your dad is as weird as it gets you’re sadly mistaken since this games developers are more than likely insane.

Shower with Your Dad Simulator jokes

After playing those two modes enough a tub may randomly spawn and touching it sends you into the Matrix or something only to be thrown out into the clouds piloting a floating bath tub. Your goal here is to shot down the other dads and collect 69 dads of your color. It plays a bit like Flappy Bird in that you have to be constantly pressing the button as you will automatically descend as gravity takes its toll unless you thrust yourself upwards. Shooting the other dads down doesn’t really have any benefits other than clearing a path for you if in a tight spot. Another mode called Dad Divisions will have your kid be tasked with grabbing his falling dad by extending his freakishly stretchy arms. The controls for this mode are really awkward since you will be moving with the arrow keys as well has needing to aim for your dad using the mouse so unless you are left handed this setup is very clunky.

Shower with Your Dad Simulator Grabbing

Soapico mode plays like an adventure game in that you’ll need to collect items and put them together to solve environmental puzzles. There are even more modes to choose from which gives this title a surprising amount of content especially considering it is priced at a dollar. Playing these I feel like I’m playing rather decent Atari 2600 games once you manage to look past how insanely weird the presentation of it is. Funnily enough this does run at 60 fps and the only real criticisms I have of it are the lack of rebinding and being unable to pause the game. Even the music is rather decent although the loops are way too short. It does get boring very fast however so I’m not saying you should go out and buy this but if you are gifted this by someone or want to weird people on your friends list out it is surprisingly more than a throw away YouTube bait title.

Shower with Dad Simulator RIP
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