Virus Buster (R18+) Review

Virus Buster is a Galaga-like shooter in where you control a syringe and must inject the antidote into a moving cell to destroy it. This is clearly the cure for some sort of major global pandemic, but our goal is not to save the world, my friends. No, it is a far more noble cause. One to save five waifu material anime girls and then presumably take it onto yourself to repopulate the now devastated world.

Our first target, er, I mean patient is a pink-haired anime girl. We never bother to learn any of their names, we have more important things at hand, darn it. I mean sure, there is no fail state since you can shoot as much as you want. And there is no timer, but as she starts to feel better, she’ll take more of her clothes off assuming you probably are a doctor. You have to shoot that little doc blocking virus three times to cure your patient. It gets periodically more erratic in its movements and becomes a tinier target to hit as the game progresses. The first girl is quite easy though, you’ll be able to get her undressed within the minute because you are that good of a doctor.

She will just get down to her undergarments if you do not buy the 18+ uncensor patch for an additional dollar. I’d say that it is worth it, for the sole reason that if you purchased this game, you really wouldn’t get much of anything else out of it. Well, aside from the meme and making your friends question your sanity. The gameplay, while kinda fun, will last you for around three minutes in total if you have any sort of aim whatsoever. But anime tiddy? Anime tiddy is eternal.

On the real, it still isn’t worth it. A good portion of the five girls feature quite low detailed artwork, and it is pretty much just a static image with abysmal animation that would make early 90’s gifs look masterful. That triumphant music that blares out when you finally get her nude does crack me up, though. Your character legit feels like he can die happily now. He never touches them however, are you mad? They are infected. ..And never seen again actually.

Right, that doesn’t matter. We may be merely shooting blue Gatorade outta that syringe, but there are four additional girls to test this new groundbreaking method out on. I’m not entirely sure where we are finding them from. Only a single one has a city as the background, the rest appear to be in bizarre places such as a Victorian-era house or in some ethereal looking mist. This is pretty much the hentai version of Casper The Friendly Ghost now that I think about it. Only these probable ghosts get a whole lot more friendly.

*Cough* I think I may have picked up some brain rotting virus myself playing this game. Or maybe I already had it considering I willingly paid two dollars for this game and its DLC. Whatever the case may be, this is a simple meme title through and through. Neither the hentai nor the gameplay are worthwhile in any way, shape, or form. The most enjoyment I’ve gotten from this game was seeing that “Thanks, China” review on the Steam page. Just take the word of this insane weeb and save yourself the few dollars, to then invest it into annoying your community by stockpiling toilet paper.

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